Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.


Welcome to Beetles class! In Beetles class, we love learning in the classroom along with lots of curriculum enriching activities. High quality learning experiences, which help us to achieve our potential and develop independence, are our priorities.

Every week, we enjoy keyboard lessons with a music specialist. Weekly French lessons with a specialist develop a love of languages through games, songs and stories. In history, it’s hard to choose the highlight:  is it the fascinating visit to the reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon houses and museum at West Stow or filming our own documentary about World War II at the Imperial War Museum Duxford? Science learning is enriched with a really special visit to explore living things at National Trust Wicken Fen. Our PE lessons include specialist-led swimming lessons at Abbey Leisure and dance lessons with Dance-Ed, not forgetting the thrill of competing in the Cambridgeshire Mini-Olympics at Wilberforce Road athletics ground.

Teamwork, responsibility and perseverance are the buzzwords on our very special residential trip to Burwell House where children love filming, directing and editing their own masterpiece in the film studio.

Our vibrant curriculum in Beetles Class covers the following themes:

  • Autumn 1 – Our Unique UK
  • Autumn 2 – Savage Saxons
  • Spring 1 – Raging Rivers
  • Spring 2 – Somewhere to Settle
  • Summer 1 – Mountain High, Valley Low
  • Summer 2 – Britain Needs You!
Miss Grey
Miss Grey

Long Term Overview

 Beetles Long Term Overview.pdfDownload
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Knowledge Organisers

 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Sp2 2024.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser A1 2023.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Sp2 2023.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Sp1 2023.docx.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser A2 2022.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser A1 2022.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Su1.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Sp2.pdfDownload
 Beetles Knowledge Organiser Sp1.pdfDownload
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Key Documents

 Beetles Calculation Policy.pdfDownload
 Beetles Assessment Expectations.pdfDownload
 Beetles End of Year Goals.pdfDownload
 Beetles Common Words.pdfDownload
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