Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.

Medical Matters


Children should not be sent to school if there is any doubt about their fitness. All children suffering from diarrhoea and/or sickness should stay at home until a period of not less than 48 hours has elapsed since the last occasion when the diarrhoea or vomiting took place. This is to prevent further spread of any infection amongst the children and staff.

Please contact the School Office before 9:30 am if your child is unwell and will not be attending school.

Please let the school know if your child has German measles, measles or chicken pox or any other highly contagious illness. A guide to the more common childhood illnesses can be found below but please note that this is only a guide and it must be stressed that if you are in any doubt whatever, you must consult a doctor. 

Another useful document that lists infections and exclusion times issued by the Health Protection Agency is under key documents.

If for any reason, parents consider their child unfit to do PE or games, they are asked to send a note to the class teacher. For obvious reasons a verbal message from the child is not acceptable. 

Medicines in School

The staff has 'loco parentis' responsibilities for the welfare of children during school time but the administering of prescribed medicines at prescribed times falls outside those responsibilities. Most medicines can be taken outside the school day. If this isn't possible parents or carers may come into school themselves to give children the prescribed dose.

In exceptional circumstances it may be possible for a member of staff to administer medicines. Should the need arise, parents or carers should complete and sign the 'Permission to Give My Child Medicine' form. Medicine will not be administered without this form being completed and is available from the School Office. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor in their original packaging, with the pharmacist's label attached and must not be decanted from the original container. 


Inhalers for children to use themselves are an exception to this. We are happy for children to have inhalers in school.  However, all inhalers must be in their original packaging with the pharmacist's label attached.  A 'Permission to Give My Child Medicine' form must also be completed and can be downloaded from the above link.  It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that inhalers are fully equipped are in date and are working properly.

Nut Allergy

If your child has a nut allergy it is imperative that you inform the school immediately and, if required, provide an epi-pen for your child. School staff will be given training by the school nurse to use the epi-pen in an emergency situation. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that the epi-pen is in date and packaged correctly.


From time to time, as in all schools, some children will pick up headlice. The best prevention is regular brushing, combing and checking (at least once a week).  Please click here for a copy of the Head Lice Information leaflet.


Key Documents

 Childhood Illness Poster.pdfDownload
 Guidance_on_infection_control_in schools_poster.pdfDownload
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