Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.

School Lunch

ABM Catering Ltd create popular, nutritious and exciting school meals at Orchard Park CP School.

ABM use seasonal produce with menus designed to meet the needs of every child.  Each meal is freshly prepared on a daily basis.

ABM believe that no child should be lacking in any area due to being poorly nourished and take pride in their Gold Food for Life accreditation.

Money for school meals is payable via School Comms, you can do this by downloading the Gateway app on your smartphone. This enables safe online payments for your child 24/7. The charge for child meals is £2.35 per day.

We regret that it is not possible to allow meals on credit. Failure to pay in advance may result in your child being refused a meal. If you receive certain named benefits your child will be entitled to free school meals. Please see the details below or ask at the School Office for more details if you think you may be eligible. All enquiries will be dealt with in confidence.

If your child has any food allergies (for example gluten or dairy free), please complete a Special Dietary Request form: https://airtable.com/appVNMscyybLE9fIE/shri8ob4AXAY0fkfY 

Details of the dietary requirements procedure can be found below under key documents.

The menu for your child will then be planned eliminating the reported allergens.  It will be nutritionally balanced where possible and as close to the standard menu as the diet will allow.  The ABM kitchens are nut free environments and every precaution is taken to eliminate cross contamination with all allergens.  However, ABM cannot guarantee 100% allergen free.

You may chose to provide a packed lunch for your child.  For reasons of safety and hygiene we request that the lunch is packed in an appropriate container, eg a plastic box which is labelled with the child's name and class.  All drinks must be in a carton or a plastic, watertight container.  Cans or bottles of fizzy drink are not permitted. We ask that the food you provide is healthy and of the type that children can manage easily.

Orchard Park is a nut-free zone, this means we do not allow any nut products on the school grounds including in packed lunches and snacks bought in from home. Included in this would be products such as Nutella, and other nut-based chocolate spreads. We have pupils in school with significant nut allergies and therefore appreciate your co-operation with this. 

Parents are also asked to ensure that sweets are not bought into school.


Free School Meals

Children from households with lower incomes may be entitled to free school meals (FSM).  It is possible to apply online for FSM's for primary school children by logging on to the website:


A further explanation of FSM can be found below

All pupils in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 in state funded schools are automatically entitled to receive a school lunch, through the introduction of the Government's Universal Infants Free School Meals Policy (UIFSM).  This is applicable to all Key Stage 1 pupils regardless of their household income.

Under current legislation, for every child that receives free school meals due to their household income eligibility, the school also receives a sum of money from central government called Pupil Premium.  This additional funding is spent on resources that enhance the learning opportunities for FSM entitled children.

Under Key Documents:

Information on FSM for children who are starting school

Information on FSM for children who are starting Year 3

Information on FSM for children who are transferring to secondary school 

Parents are requested to provide their date of birth and National Insurance number when children join the school to ensure that all Key Stage 1 children are checked for pupil premium eligibility.

Further information regarding Education Welfare Benefits is available by logging on to the website:



Eligibility for Education Welfare Benefits - Parents guide v2 can be found below

Apply online for FSM's and Pupil Premium for primary school children



If you have any queries regarding FSMs and Pupil Premium please do not hesitate to ask at the School Office where the staff will be only too happy to assist.




Autumn Term 2024

Key Documents

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