Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.


The Governing Body

At Orchard Park we have a committed Governing Body who is responsible for the overall strategic planning of the school. The governors work closely with the Headteacher to support the school and drive improvement. The Governing Body has a Chair and Vice Chair.  The full Governing Body meets at least twice a term with additional meetings to discuss individual matters. 

Our Instrument of Governance allows 13 Governors to be appointed at Orchard Park.. These are made up of:

1 Headteacher

1 Local Authority Governor

2 Elected Parent Governors

8 Co-opted Governors (of which 2 can be members of staff)

1 Elected Staff Governor

The Governing Body is supported by a Clerk.

There is one Associate Governor.


We hope that you will find the following information about the role of Governors, who they are and how they work, helpful.

If you are interested in joining the governing body please contact the Clerk at clerk@orchardpark.cambs.sch.uk


The members of our Governing Body are:

Mr Robert Fisher - Headteacher - Staff Governor

Mrs Lucy Steggles - Deputy Headteacher - Co-opted Governor

Miss Jessica Taylor - Teaching Staff - Elected Staff Governor



Janice Fuller - Governor - Chair of Full Governing Body

​I have been a Community (or co-opted) Governor since June 2015. I am looking forward to playing a part in the further evolution of the school after the excellent start it has made within the local community. I have been very impressed by the friendly and colourful atmosphere of the school which provides a positive environment for learning, where our enthusiastic staff can guide pupils to fulfil their potential.


Revd Chris Lowe - Co-opted Governor

I have been a Governor for the past 7 years.  I'm the vicar of St John's Church which meets here at the school on Sundays.  I live in Orchard Park (50 metres from the school gate!), love this community and want to see it flourish.  I am on the School Effectiveness Committee and amongst the governors I take the lead on achievement and progress data.  It's a privilege to be involved in such a vibrant school, so clearly committed to seeing children and young people thrive.  






Andrew Chan - Co-opted Governor

As a resident of Orchard Park and having lived in Cambridge for over three decades, the local neighbourhood is somewhere I care deeply about. I am passionate about providing the best possible education to all pupils and I am the link Governor for the Recovery and Catch-Up Curriculum. As a researcher at the University of Cambridge, I have been involved with teaching students, as well as delivering public outreach. I am a member of the Orchard Park Community Council and currently sit as its Chair. I bring to this role as a Governor, my skills and training as a scientist, links to the local authority, and also my deep desire to bring the community and school closer together.



Elaine O'Brien - Co-opted Governor

I’ve lived in Cambridge over 20 years and work in the Life Sciences sector.  I've held various senior leadership roles globally and have post-graduate qualifications in business administration and entrepreneurship. 
I volunteered to be a School Governor to support the work of brilliant teaching staff who make such an impact to young people’s lives every day.  I'm delighted to work with Orchard Park and share the passion to create an environment where children have the best opportunities to thrive. 
I am the link governor for Finance and take particular interest in the mental health and wellbeing of staff and pupils. 







Sarah O'Brien - Co-opted Governor

I became a School Governor to join with others who care deeply about the future of children in our wider neighbourhood.





Andzelika Tofangsazan - Parent Governor

I have graduated BSc (Hons) in Tourism Management and have over 10 years experience in hospitality and event management. I volunteered to Parent Governor position because I eagerly want to support the school and community by dedicating my time to the board, also, learn more, explore and gain such valuable experience! 






Dharmendra Lad - Parent Governor



Trudie Davidson - Clerk to Governors

​I am an independent clerk and presently support three primary schools and one early years setting. I administer the governing body meetings alongside providing support, advice and guidance on all areas of governance. 

Useful Information

 Governing Details and Pecuniary Interests 2023-24.docDownload
 Governor Attendance 2023-2024.pdfDownload
 Governor Attendance 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Standing Orders 2023-24.pdfDownload
 Governor code of conduct 2022 - 23.docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Full Governing Body Meeting Dates 2024 - 2025

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Tuesday 3 December 2024

Tuesday 21 January 2025

Tuesday 25 February 2025

Tuesday 25 March 2025

Tuesday 29 April 2025

Tuesday 10 June 2025

Tuesday 8 July 2025


The minutes of the Governors' meetings are available to all parents.  Please enquire at the School Office if you wish to read them.



If you would like to contact the Governors you can either write to:  

The Chair of Governors, c/o Orchard Park CP School

Email the clerk at clerk@orchardpark.cambs.sch.uk or if your letter is of a non-confidential nature, you can email via the school email address:  office@orchardpark.cambs.sch.uk.